The Users/Agents List displays in the order that they are added. This order can be changed by reordering the list in the text boxes provided next to the list. The list displays the users/agents details with Name, Email, Status (whether active or not), and the Last Login date.
Here, you can edit, delete or deactivate users/agents.
To open the Users/Agents List:
Reorder the list by entering the appropriate number in the text boxes next to the list as shown in the image below. Click the "Update" button and the list is updated.
After you click Update, the list is reordered as shown in the screen below.
Edit: To modify the details for the user/agent, click Edit. Refer to the Add User/Agent guide.
Delete: If you want to delete the user/agent permanently from your account, click Delete.
Deactivate: If you do not want the user/agent to display on your website but you still want to retain the record in the system's database, click Deactivate.