You can add pages to your website's navigation menu as either a web page or a web link.
- Web Page: Creates a web page with editable content.
- Web Link: Links to an existing web page. (example:
Adding a Web Page
- From the admin dashboard navigate to the "Website >> Pages >> Add Page" page.

- On the Add Page - Step 1 of 2 page:
- Select the "Web Page" option.
- Enter the name that you want for this page in the Page Name field.
- Select which section of your website you want to place this page in the Section drop down menu.
Sections separate your website's navigation into groups and allow you to perform group operations such as "delete" to all the pages/links in that group.
- Select the options for the Requires Lead Capture/Login.
If this option is checked then users are required to login or register before access to this page is granted. Non-framed links will not work with this option.
- Select a status from the Status drop down field.
- Click "Save and Continue" at the bottom.

- On the Add Page - Step 2 of 2 page:
- Use the Text Editor to add your text, images, links, etc. in the same manner as you would in a word processor. For more details about working with the Text Editor, please refer to the Text Editor section of the User Manual.
- Enter your page title, description and other Meta data (Meta data is only visible to search engines).
- Click the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom to save your content.
Set the Meta Robots to "noindex" if you do not want this page to be indexed in search engines.
Custom tag (header code) field is for Advance Users Only OR for pasting codes provided by trusted 3rd party tools such as tracking, verification, etc. If you are not sure what to enter here please leave it blank as incorrectly formatted codes can make your website inaccessible.
Adding a Web Link
- From the admin dashboard navigate to the "Website >> Pages >> Add Page" page.
- On the Add Page - Step 1 of 2 page:
- Select the "Web Link" option.
- Enter the name that you want for this menu link in the Page Name field.
- Select which section of your website you want to place this menu link in the Section drop down menu.
- Select any other options that you want to use for this page.
- Click "Save and Continue" at the bottom.

- On the Add Page - Step 2 of 2 page:
- Enter the URL for the website/page that you want to link to in the "URL" field.
Type in URL address in the URL bar. (to prevent any misspelling error you should pull up the page that you want to link to in a new browser window. Then copy the URL from this new browser's address bar and paste it in the URL box)
- Choose an option from the Link Type drop down menu:
- Open in Same Window (Opens the URL address in the same page when clicked)
- Open in New Window (Opens the URL address in a new browser window)
- Open in Framed Window (Opens URL address in a frame inside your web page)
- Click the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom to save the menu link.