Account Control Panel User Guide

Manage Listings

Our Listing Manager includes all the features and options your business require to successfully market each individual property online. The All Listings page is at the center of our Listing Manager. From here you can edit, delete, hide, and perform many other actions to the listings on your website. You have access to many listing publishing tools like listing syndication, listing mailer, listing social media announcer, assign a unique domain name to a listing (single property website). This page also include listing analytical data like number of leads, visits, visitors, views and average time viewing for any time frame that you choose.

To access the All Listings page:

  1. From the admin dashboard navigate to the "Listings >> All Listings" page.
    screenshot for Listing Manage

Options and Filters

  • Search By Location: Filter the listings list based on the listing's location. This field accepts values for "city, state", "postal code", "community", "full address" and "street name".
  • Show Stats For: Option for selecting a date range to show all the stats on the page. Including Leads, Visitors, Views, and all other stat information.
  • Listing Visibility: Filters the list by the visibility setting of each property.
  • Agent (requires Team or Office plan): Filters the list by listing agent's name.
  • Listing Type: Filters the list by listing type included in this list.
  • Listing Status: Filters the list by listing status included in this list.
  • Transaction Type: Filters the list by listing transaction type included in this list


You can sort the list of Listings by clicking on any of the sortable column headers. When you place your mouse over a column header that is sortable, the cursor becomes a pointer, indicating that the column is sortable. Each time you click on a column header, it will alternate between ascending mode and descending mode. For example, clicking on the "Leads" header, will sort all Listings by the amount of leads each listing received in your selected Stats time frame. Each time you click on this header, it will alternate between displaying listings with the most amount of leads first and listings with the least amount of leads first.


The Order column allows you to change the default display order of listings on your website. To change the order of a listing, enter the new order number in the "Order" field. Click anywhere outside of the field and your listings list will automatically update to reflect the new order of your listings.


You can perform many actions to the listings on your website.

  • Edit General Description (refer to Add Listing guide)
  • Edit Features and Groups (refer to Add Listing guide)
  • Manage Photos (refer to Add Listing guide)
  • Manage Media Files and Links (refer to Add Listing guide)
  • Make Hidden/Make Visible: Allows you to change the visibility mode for a listing. Hidden listings will not display on your website. Reasons for hiding a listing instead of deleting includes: to continue to have access to listing statistic data, to easily re-list rental properties, etc.
  • Delete: Permanently removes a listing from your account.

Listing Publish Options

When using our system, your listings are one of your greatest assets. We provide many powerful tools to help you get your listings in front of as many potential buyers and renters as possible.

  • Manage Syndication: Allows you to select from a list of our syndication partner where you would to syndicate your listing.
  • Email This Listing: Creates a new Email Marketing Campaign with the listing already attached.
  • Assign a Single Property Domain Name: Impress your clients by giving their listing the special treatment of a unique domain name.
    To use this feature you must have at least 1 add-on domain name on your account.
  • Post Social Media Announcement: Use this feature to push listing content to your social network pages automatically. This features allows you to easily stay in touch and share listing updates with your fans and followers.