Account Control Panel User Guide

Add User/Agent

Adding users/agents is a two step process. You must enter the general information, access details and contact information in the first page. In the second page, you can upload their photo and add their bio. After adding a user/agent to the roster, the user/agent themselves can login to their account and add/edit their photo and bio. Users/Agents can perform many other functions such as manage their listings, prospects or even manage your website design if you grant them permission to do so.

To Add a User/Agent:

  1. From the admin dashboard navigate to the "Manage Offices >> Add User/Agent" page.
  2. On the Add User/Agent step 1 of 2 page:
    1. For the General Information section:
      1. Enter their First name, Last name (both mandatory), Title, Position, a Short Description of the user/agent.
      2. Select Country from the drop down box. Enter the Address, City information and Zip code details in the text boxes.
      3. Select State/Province from the drop down list.
    2. For the Access Information section: You can grant two types of privileges to your users/agents. You can either provide them Admin access (access all functions except functions that require payment) or you can choose to provide access only to certain Basic features such as working with Listings, Design and Contacts.
      1. Enter Email and Password information in the text boxes.
        The default account user (aka account Owner) always have Admin and Owner privileges. If you want this user to be listed in your Company Directory page, you must create a duplicate user/agent for this person. However, you can not enter the same email address and password that is used by the account Owner.
      2. Assign Privileges to the user/agent by clicking the appropriate radio button. For Basic privileges, select the radio button and then select the appropriate check boxes.
    3. For the Contact Information section:
      1. Enter user/agent's Website URL as shown in the image.
      2. Enter the values for Phone, Fax, Mobile Phone and Pager in the respective text boxes.
      3. Click the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom.
  3. On the Add User/Agent step 2 of 2 page:
    1. To upload the user/agent's photo:
      1. Click the "Browse" button to open your computer's File Upload dialog.
      2. In the dialog box that appears, locate the photo that you want to upload, and then click Open.
    2. To enter the user/agent's bio, use the Text Editor to add your text, images, links, etc. in the same manner as you would in a word processor. For more details about working with the Text Editor, please refer to the Text Editor section of the User Manual.
    3. Click the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom.