Account Control Panel User Guide

Start New Email Campaign

The Email Marketing Campaign feature enables you to send mass email communications to your Contacts. These emails include your branding and are beautifully formatted with HTML layouts that you control. You can create a library of messages and store them in your account for reuse in future campaigns. You will notice that you have access to some dynamic variable data like Contact's first name, email, etc while creating your campaign. What this means is that by inserting the tag for these variables, when your campaign is been processed the tags are replaced with real values for each Contact. This allows you to personalize your emails for each user even though your message is been sent in bulk.

Creating an email campaign in the Admin involves four steps:

  1. Select attributes - layout, Contact Group, color, and message's subject.
  2. Format message using the Text Editor and optionally attach listings.
  3. Format message footer content.
  4. Preview and launch the email campaign.


Step 1.

  1. From the admin dashboard navigate to the "Marketing >> Email Campaign >> New Campaign" page.

  2. The Email Campaign Wizard page opens.
    1. A Campaign Title is created in the text box, by default. You can change this title.
    2. Select the Contact Group or individual Contacts (to which you want to send the campaign) from the list box.
    3. Choose a Layout/Frame by selecting the radio button.
    4. Select a message layout Background Color by clicking the palette icon and choosing the color.

    5. Enter the message's Subject, From Name and From Email address to display in your emails in their respective text boxes.
    6. Click Save and Continue.

Step 2: Message

  1. Enter your message's content using the Text Editor to add your text, images, links, etc. in the same manner as you would in a word processor. For more details about working with the Text Editor, please refer to the Text Editor section of the User Manual.
  2. If a message has been previously stored, it will be listed in the Message drop down list. You can select that message and then customize it to suit your current need.
  3. If you want to save the message for future use, select the checkbox "Save this message in content library".
  4. If you want to attach any listings to your message, select the listings checkboxes. 
  5. Click Save and Continue.

Step 3: Message Footer

Format the footer content for your message. By default your email campaigns will include an optout option in the footer section for your subscribers to optout of all future emails from you. Although we do not enforce how you manage your optout subscribers, it is required that you do provide an option to do so. Abusing user privacy may result in terminating your account. The easiest way to be sure your email campaign is never sent to unsubscribed users is to leave the default optout option as-is in your campaign footer. When using this option we automatically manage the optout process for you.

To set the footer for your message follow the same steps as in step 2 to create the content for the footer. You can also save the footer to the content library by selecting the checkbox. Click Save and Continue to continue to the final step.

Step 4: Review and Send

Here, you can preview the message and edit it if you need to. You can test how your message will be delivered by sending a test email to yourself (recommended).

  1. Enter your email address in the text box and click Send Test. The message is sent to the email address.
  2. Select the checkbox "I agree to the spam policy below".
  3. Click Launch Campaign to begin sending your email campaign.


The campaigns are displayed in a list and can be viewed in the campaign summary page.


IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU ABIDE BY OUR SPAM POLICY. Misuse of this service may lead to termination of your account and even legal actions if necessary. Any email address that you did not receive permission to send messages to directly from the email address owner is considered SPAM.


Although you can setup Email Campaigns during the Free Trial and even send test messages to your self, your actual email campaign will not be sent until your account is active.