Account Control Panel User Guide

Pages/Sections List

The Pages/Sections List is your first stop for modifying any pages or sections on your website other than the home page. This section is presented as a list of all the pages and sections in your website. You can edit, delete, deactivate pages and sections from this area. You can add page modules and page headers. You can edit and delete forms from here. You can also manage the display of the sections and pages in the order of your choice. From this section you can perform the following tasks on pages and sections:

  • Edit: Modify existing pages or sections (refer to Add Page guide)
  • Delete: Delete the page or section. When you click Delete the page status changes to Deleted. If you want to activate the page again, click Activate.
    Note: if you do not want to see deleted pages in your list you can select "All but deleted" from the Display drop down menu.
  • Activate: Activate makes a page or section visible on your website.
  • Deactivate: This simply hides a page or section from your website's navigation, but you can still access and add a link to this page.
  • Add Form: Add a lead capture form with virtually any form fields that you require (forms are displayed below your page content). You can edit and delete existing forms (refer to Lead Capture Forms guide).
  • Page Module: Add modules to page (refer to Edit Home Modules guide)
  • Page Header: Modify header or use default header (refer to Header Design guide)
  • Order: Click Update at the bottom of this list after using the Order fields to reorder your navigation.