Account Control Panel User Guide


screenshot for Account Control Panel

The Admin is your gateway for managing your entire web presence. This easy-to-use interface gives you 24/7 access to all products and services offered by Zealder. This guide will help you get familiar with the Admin. First, we will explain the functionality of each of the 3 main sections in the Admin interface. Then, we will examine an overview of the main toolsets within the Admin.

Accessing the Admin

screenshot for login page

To access the Admin:

  1. Go to the home page.
  2. Click on the "Account Login" link located at the top of our home page.
  3. Enter your Login Email Address and Password, then click the "Login" button.

The Admin Interface

The Admin uses a Single Page Interface (SPI), allowing you to get a lot more done, faster. This means that the entire application runs from one web page.

The Admin interface has 3 main sections:

  1. Header Bar
  2. Pages Panel
  3. Left Navigation Bar

Interface Section 1: Header Bar

screenshot for Account Control Panel

The Header Bar is a group of fixed modules that are always available on the top of the Admin for easy and quick access. The list of modules available depends on factors such as; your account permission, region, current plan and add-on products & services. These modules include:

  • Support: List of ways to reach our Member Care Team.
  • Add-ons: List of popular and recommended add-on products & services.
  • Account: Overview of account details.

The Header Bar also includes our global search box. This box allow you to quickly search all support documents, product descriptions and other articles on our website. In general, this should be one of the first places to go to when you have questions.

Interface Section 2: Pages Panel

screenshot for ACP Page Panel

The Pages Panel is where pages open in the Admin. 


If you click on a link to edit a page, this will open a Edit Page page. While this page is still open, if you decide to click another link to edit a different page, instead of opening a new page, the Edit Page that is already open will simply reload for editing the new page.

Interface Section 3: Left Navigation Bar

screenshot for ACP Side Panel

The Left Navigation Bar includes the Admin's Main Menu. This Menu is organized into service/product toolsets. Each toolset contains a drop down menu with links to all pages for that service/product. This makes it easy to find the tool/page that you are looking for.


If you want to make changes to your website's footer you would look under the "Website" toolset menu since all tools/pages that relates to your website are in the Website toolset.

The Left Navigation Bar incudes a module containing live data that is updated periodically. This module includes:

  • Statistics: General analytical details that should be viewed daily.

The Left Navigation Bar also includes the Preview Website button. Click this button when you want to open a preview of your website in the Admin.

Main Toolsets Of The Admin

The Admin is categorized into service/product toolsets. Each toolset has a corresponding menu in the Main Menu. Each toolset is a representation of an Zealder product, service, app or feature. The toolsets that are available in your account depends on factors such as; your account permission, region, current plan and add-on products & services. Below is a breakdown of all the main toolsets in the Admin.

  • Dashboard (click logo to access this page)
    • Welcome page after you successfully log in
    • Displays recent support ticket responses and other important announcements
    • Displays recent leads from your website
    • Displays new features and updates
  • Website
    • Includes all Zealder tools for managing your website
    • Tools for customizing the look & feel of your website
    • Manage pages, sections, blog posts and events on your website
    • File Manager for saving your images, documents and other file types
  • Listings
    • Manage listings and listings groups
    • MLS/IDX integration tools and options
    • Controls for property disclaimer and listing preferences
  • Contacts
    • Manage contacts and contacts groups
    • App for importing and exporting contacts
    • Controls for custom fields
  • Marketing
    • Manage Email Campaigns
    • Search marketing tools and options
  • Domain and Email
    • Manage domain name hosting, registration, and add-on domains
    • Manage email hosting and configuration
  • Manage Offices
    • Manage office locations
    • Manage users/agents list
    • Assign user/agent privileges
  • Account (on large screens, mouse over your name/photo on right side of screen to access this menu)
    • View account details and history
    • Manage plans, services, login and billing information
  • Help Center (on large screens, mouse over "help" icon on right side of screen to access this menu)
    • Provides access to all help resources
    • User Manuals, Knowledge Base and support tickets

In the following chapters of this manual, we will discuss these main toolsets in detail. Each toolset has a corresponding chapter in the manual. You can jump to an individual chapter or continue reading page-by-page to build a solid understanding of all the tools available in the Zealder Admin.