The Contacts List displays all your Contacts in one view. You can view, edit, delete, hide and send secure private messages and documents directly to your Contacts from here. You can sort the Contacts list by name, email, phone, source, the date they were added, or the date they last signed in. You can search for Contacts by first name, last name, company name or email address. You can filter Contact list by contact group, mode, rating and/or many other criteria. You can filter list by the first character in a Contact's last name. You can perform many of these search and filter options simultaneously. You can select multiple Contacts to perform tasks like hide or delete.
To access the Contacts List page, from the admin dashboard navigate to the "Contacts >> Manage Contacts >> Contacts List" page.
You can sort the list of Contacts by clicking on any of the sortable column headers. When you place your mouse over a column header that is sortable, the cursor becomes a pointer, indicating that the column is sortable. Each time you click on a column header, it will alternate between ascending mode and descending mode. For example, clicking on the "Date Added" header, will sort all contacts by the date the contact was added to your account. Each time you click on this header, it will alternate between displaying newest contacts first and oldest contacts first.
You can select multiple Contacts to perform group actions. This makes it possible to quickly complete tasks like hiding or deleting a large number of Contacts.
To select multiple Contacts, simply click the checkbox in the checkbox column next to the Contact you want to select.
To select all Contacts in visible list (list with filters and search options applied), click the first checkbox in the checkbox column header.
The group action area will automatically update to show the number of selected Contacts as you select them. After selecting multiple Contacts you can click on any of the group action icons to complete the task.
You can perform many actions to contacts.