Account Control Panel User Guide

Add Office

This feature is available to accounts with Office plan only.

You can add multiple office locations to your account. This allows you to list agents/users from all of your physical and/or virtual offices.

When using our Advanced IDX solution, you can enter the Office Codes for all of your offices to automatically import listings from all of your offices.

screenshot for Add Office

To add an Office:

  1. From the admin dashboard navigate to the "Manage Offices >> Add Office" page.
  2. On the Add Office step 1 of 2 page:
    1. Enter all the General Information and Contact Information for the office.
    2. Click the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom.
  3. On the Add Office step 2 of 2 page:
    1. You can upload a general photo and a description for the office.
    2. Click the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom.