Account Control Panel User Guide

Listings Preferences

The configuration options on the Listings Defaults And Preferences page allow you to control the defaults of how listings will display and function on your website. The options you enter on this pages affects all existing listings and new listings that is added to your account. This enables you to fine-tune listing integration on your website to match your needs precisely. Since the options on this page determines the defaults for all listings, you can save precious time by updating this page before adding listings to your account.

To access the Listings Defaults And Preferences page:

  1. From the control panel dashboard navigate to the "Listings >> Listings Preferences" page.
    screenshot for ACP Listings Preferences
  2. On the Listings Defaults And Preferences page:
    1. The options on this page is separated into 3 groups - General Settings, Listings List Page, and Listings Detail Page. The options for these groups are:
      • General Settings - (Settings that affect listings no matter where they are displayed.)
        • Auto Syndication: Determines whether or not to automatically syndicate all new listings to all syndication partners.
        • Labels and options for Transaction Type, Property Type, and List Status: These options allow you to assign your own labels for these fields. This enables you to use labels that are more appropriate and more commonly used in your local area. For example, if the Property Type "Condo" is commonly referred to as "Unit" in your local area, you can simply change the label.

          However, it is best to use labels for these fields that are similar to the original labels because changing the labels will not change how the fields affects your listings. For example, if you want to use a different label for the Transaction Type "For Sale", you can do so, but if you change the label to "Rental", the listing will continue to behave like a For Sale property. In that case, you should change the Transaction Type "For Rent" to "Rental" instead.

          Some of these options allow to also select a default value. This is important because choosing a default value will save you time when you add new listings since the value that you selected as a default will already be selected. Also when browsing or searching listings on your website, the default value that you select for Transaction Type will be displayed first. If no default value is selected, then the Transaction Type that has the most amount of listings will be displayed first. You can always remove a default selection after it has been selected.
      • Listings List Page - (List Page is any page that display a list of properties. This includes listings search results, List Groups or any other page where users can browse multiple listings.)
        • Default Layout: Select a default layout for all List Pages. Your website visitors can also choose a different layout.
        • Default Map: Select the Map format you want to have as a default when a Map layout is selected. Your website visitors can also choose a different map format.
        • Photo Size: Select the size of the photo you want to display on List Pages. Keep in mind that, the bigger the photo, the longer it may take your pages to load.
        • Listings Per Page: Select how many listings should be displayed per page. To reduce page load time, you should use a lower amount. Especially if you are not using a small photo for Photo Size.
        • Default Sort By: Select the default sorting method for your List Pages. Your website visitors can also choose a different sort method.
        • Default Bldg. Measurement: Select the appropriate measurement to use for building sizes. You should consider what measurement is commonly used in your local area. This value affects the default option that is selected when adding new listings and is used as the measurement for listings search forms on your website.
        • Display Location Fields and Display Other Fields: these fields allow you to select which list fields/details should be displayed on List Pages. You will unlikely want to be display all fields on List Pages since List Pages are primarily used for previewing listings before a user enter into the listing's Detail Page. All fields however will display on Listings Detail Pages.
      • Listings Detail Page - (Detail Page is the page that display all details for an individual listing.)
        • Lead Capture: This option allow you to set a limit on how many listings (teaser) a website visitor can view before they are required to Signup or Login. If you don't want to use this feature and allow your website visitors access to unlimited amount of listings without Signup or Login, enter a "0" as a value. To use this option, a minimum of 1 must be entered to allow access from search engine robots and visitors entering your website via a listing's Detail Page (traffic from syndication partners are always directed to listing Detail Pages).
    2. Click the "Save" button at the bottom to save your listings defaults and preferences.