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How Do I Add Photos For Each Agent/User In The Company Directory Page?

To add a photo for an agents/users in the "Company Directory" page (requires Team or Office plan):

  1. Login to the Admin by visiting
  2. From the control panel dashboard navigate to the "Manage Offices >> Users/Agents List" page.
  3. On the Manage User/Agent page you will see your list of agents/users.
    Click "Edit" in the Actions column, next to the agent/user that you want to add a photo.
  4. On the Add User/Agent step 1 of 2 page scroll to the bottom and click "Save and Continue" to skip to the next step.
  5. On the Add User/Agent step 2 of 2 page you must do the following:
    1. Click the "Browse" button to open your computer's File Upload dialog.
    2. In the dialog box that appears, locate the photo that you want to upload, and then click Open.
    3. Click the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom.

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